General Information


One term’s notice in writing is required in the event of withdrawal of a pupil from the school. 

Provisional notice may be given and then cancelled if your plans change.

Stationery, Textbooks and Library books

Text books are loaned to pupils for the year.  Lost books must be replaced by the parents. Parents will be billed for the cost of replacing damaged or lost library books.

Absence from Physical Education classes and sports practices

Notes of excuse must be brought after absence from school or if pupils need to be excused from Physical Education, sports practices or swimming. Permission cannot be given for pupils to be excused from school during school hours except for medical reasons and Eisteddfod or similar examinations.

Lost Property

Please mark all school items so that they can be returned to children who may have lost them.

Charity Collections

The school supports a wide selection of charities throughout the year. Please encourage your daughter to bring a donation to our Friday charity collection from her own money.

School Traffic

Parents are requested not to double park or park in front of the school gates when bringing children to school.  Parking in the grounds during school hours is for staff cars only and for parents assisting with school duties. Oakhurst Close can be used for parents to drop off or pick up pupils, but not for parking.   We request that you respect the access of neighbours and do not park in front of their gates.

Please do not stop your car or park on the pedestrian crossing in the front of the school.


Children may ride to school on bicycles at their parents’ discretion.  All bicycles must have a lock and a duplicate key. It is essential that all girls who ride to school wear helmets.

Safety and security

The school gates will be open from 7:15 until 7:50 in the mornings; from 13:00 to 13:30 and from 14:30 – 15:00.  Should the girls have extra-mural activities, they can leave the school grounds through the pedestrian gate that can be opened from the inside.  Persons needing to enter the school grounds must please identify themselves clearly and state the purpose of their visit. ALL visitors to the school must report to reception on arrival.  We urgently request parents to assist us in our efforts to keep all pupils and staff safe. 

Progress Reports

Progress reports are issued at the end of each term.  

House System

All the girls are placed into houses.  They are ATHLONE, BUXTON and CLARENDON.  

Points are awarded for participation in various school activities throughout the year.

Appointments with Staff

Parents who wish to discuss school matters with the principal or class teacher are welcome to do so by appointment please.  We request that parents do not expect to meet with teachers before or after school without an appointment.

Absence from school

If a child misses 3 days (or more) of school they must produce a doctor’s certificate for the time absent on the day they return. If a child misses an assessment or an exam they must produce a doctor’s certificate for the assessment or exam they missed. 

Second Hand Uniform Sales

As a service to parents a second-hand uniform sale is held once a week in the 2nd hand shop which is located in the wooden wendy house in the hall quad.  More information about times will be available at the start of the year. Parents may send items for sale to the Secretary’s office.  Please mark articles with your name, address and telephone number. The school will take 30% of the selling price. Uniforms may also be donated to the school for sale.


Communication with the school is done most effectively via email. Class teachers require a 24 hour turn around time to respond to emails.