Senior Phase

Grade 7

Grade 7 is the first official year of the CAPS-recognised senior phase. The curriculum calls for new and exciting subjects like; Economic and Management Science, Technology and Creative Arts, to be introduced to our Grade 7s.

As Grade 7 is the final year of Primary School and the focus is preparing them for high school, Oakhurst offers numerous positions of responsibility to the Grade 7s. These positions range from House Captains, Sport Captains, Early Act, Librarianship and Public Relations.

These positions, which are evenly distributed among all the girls, allow them to practise simple and effective leadership and organisational strategies, equipping them with the right tools for high school.

At Oakhurst we strive to inculcate a sense of pride and accomplishment, self-discipline and autonomy among our young ladies as they head off into the big wide world of life.